Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Resisting Californiation

Getting used to a new place is always a difficult process, getting used to San Clemente, CA is no different. To a newcomer it seems as though in this part of the world the issues that cloud the political landscape simply disappear. Not in the literal sense, they just don't affect these folks. It's nice that there's a place that the negativity of the world doesn't affect.

However, what worries me is that if the "real world"(*1) creeps in it may destroy this view of the outside world that these great folks in this town have come to appreciate and embrace. This isn't to say that they don't have issues that are concerning to them. They just happen to be, the environment which is important to all and must be looked after. What I think I'm trying to convey is that they need to be gently exposed to the harsh realities of the world that surround them. or perhaps it's just me (*2) focusing on the negative. Perhaps I just need to be exposed to more of the residents of my little burg.

*1-I really dislike the use of the term the "real world" in negative context, my "real world" is quite nice actually. Where I'm nice to people and they're nice to me in return.

*2-I've always been slightly cynical and morbidly minded.

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