I'm coming to the realization that the world is being destroyed by things such as construction and hyper-materialism. Al Burian said it best, "End it for me before it all becomes white walls and shitty carpet.". 

Buildings are going up everywhere destroying the beautiful fragile chaos that is the world, and replacing it with astringent, ordered ugliness. Worlds made of glass and metal, pulled from the earth yet not beautifying it. While I was raised to believe that ugliness can be beautiful. Skyscrapers are hideous monoliths, false mountains. That's really it, isn't it? Mankind playing king of the mountain with nature. We've ostracized ourselves from nature. Maybe we never were part of the natural world, we just evolved into a virus, or a better analogy would be weeds. Pulling all of the nutrients from the earth and leaving nothing. I fear to say that it might be too late.